Should'ing Yourself Workshop

Should'ing Yourself Workshop

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$67.00 USD
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$67.00 USD
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You are invited to the Should'ing Yourself Workshop - How the Not-self Blocks Your Success, Abundance and Flow in Business

On Demand Replay

Entrepreneurs across the globe are taking action from a place of the not-self and what they "should" do because:

  • That is the industry standard
  • Their coach does it that way
  • It's what their colleague, business bestie, guru, expert did
  • That's what is expected of them
  • It's how it's always been done

The reality is when you take actions and make decisions from the not-self and all those should's, could's and ought to's you are moving further away from the life and biz you desire. 

Reclaim your power, stop should'ing yourself and put your blinders on in pursuit of your goals. 

In this 90 minute LIVE workshop I will help you: 

  • Get clear where you are should'ing yourself and in the not-self
  • Identify the limiting belief around that should that keeps you stuck
  • Understand the Root cause of why we should ourselves
  • Create a plan to stop should's in their tracks 
  • Find more ease, flow, abundance and success in business

What's included: 

  • Live 90 Minute Workshop 
  • 30 minutes of Q & A
  • Workshop Replay 
  • Should'ing Yourself eBook
  • Gate Strengths Masterclass & eBook

Limited Time Offer of only $67 until February 23