Preorder my second book, Business Design with Human Design - The Book dives into the depth and nuance of creating a business model and offer around the whole of your human design. You cannot fit your human design into your business. You must build your business around your human design. This book will provide you with the step by step process to unlock the optimal business model for you based on your design, desires, and lifestyle. In this book Jamie dives into the depths of type, profile, lines, circuitry, variables & color, centers, definition and more.
When you are clear about who you are, who you are becoming, the strengths you bring to the table, and how you want to serve clients and make a impact THEN you can design a business around those nuances. But first you have to understand what that entails for your business model, your role, the containers you create, the offer you present to the world and how you are designed to naturally operate in the world.
This is what I dive into the depths of with my second book. Say goodbye to the one sized fits all, cookie cutter approach that is going extinct and say hello to possibilities. Because in my world, anything is possible if you believe it is.
Your business, offers and marketing can be tailored to the nuance and depth of your strengths.
Throw out all the rules on how you "should" build a business and embrace the possibilities that you can build a life & biz around who you are. It starts with the foundation of your business...the business model, offer, and role you play in that container.
There is a better way and it's call by design™
This book will retail at 39.99 but when you preorder you can purchase it for $29.99.
This book is the first book being published by Ecocentric Human Design Press. Shipping Winter of 2024/2025. Cover subject to change.